Thread: 2017 Grey Cup
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Old 11-22-2017, 10:24 AM   #38
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: BELTLINE

Nervous about the game on sunday, moreso than the West Final. Even though I hate the Eskimos and everything they stand for, they're at least a good team with an awesome QB. I respect them. All the teams in the East, as they have been the last few years, are bad to mediocre but somehow the stamps seem to find a way to lose to them more often than not. Whenever the Eskimos or Riders make it to the Grey Cup they usually beat down the Hamilton's and Ottawa's of the world.

I said it before the season, during the season, and before sundays game: I would rather get blown out in the West Final at home by 50, than lose to whatever garbage .500 team eventually emerges from the East in the Grey Cup. I physically cannot take another loss to any of these chumps, 2012 hurt but last year losing to an 8-9-1 expansion team was one of my top 3 painful sport losses up there with 2004 Flames SCF game 6 and 2006 Flames WQF game 7.

Although nervous, I share other's optimism that the Stamps are taking this game more seriously this year and I think the 3 game skid at the end of the year really humbled and focused the team.
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