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Old 08-23-2017, 08:17 AM   #3180
Cecil Terwilliger
That Crazy Guy at the Bus Stop
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Originally Posted by GGG View Post
I disagree that Arya is going against character. She came home looking for family and found the same entitled sister always wanting power and potentially willing to go against Jon to get it.

Sansa sends Brienne away so that if she does make a move against Jon for the throne and Arya has to go Brienne isn't their to defend Arya.

Arya challenges Sansa to gauge where she is going to go. The Truth she is trying to decent isn't does / did she support Cersai. It's is she going to make a play with Littlefinger for the North. And she wants Sansa paranoid that she is always watching.

Arya also failed at her training because she was herself and not no one. So the more Arya Stark she is the less of a faceless man she is. To me them being PTSDd and relitigating childhood fights and suspicions is exactly what would happen. Arya blames Sansa for her fathers death. She was in a position to do something and did nothing.

I think people saying Arya's character isn't being represented are ignoring the flaws and wanting the perfect hero assassin to live out their fan servicy desires of Saving Sansa, killing Littlefinger and moving on south to the Lanisters.

I am loving the seems of the broken children having the same fights again.

You definitely explained what is happening but we are talking about why it is happening. That's the part that doesn't add up. And you're way off base with the Arya fan service stuff. I don't recall anyone saying they want that. It all boils down to the fact I just don't buy why those characters are acting that way. And I don't think there is a good explanation for it.
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