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Old 08-16-2017, 11:12 AM   #7950
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Originally Posted by MissTeeks View Post
Here, Edmonton is no longer a bunch of weaklings:
I would argue in this day and age that's an over rated feature of a roster. Most teams are going away from toughness in a sense. The 3rd and 4th lines that used to be the home of the cement head, are now home to the great defensive players. Or the agitators

I mean its great if you have a guy like Lucic or Maroon who can throw down and protect McDavid. But lets be honest, Johnny took 8 million slashes last year and the toughness really should have come from the officiating team.

I mean frankly with that team toughness thing what are you going to do? Jump someone and take the instigator penalty.

If its toughness on the boards and in the forecheck that's a different kind of tough and the Flames have guys that do a great job of winning board battles.

Its typical Edmonton, like Mullets and sweatpants from Sears, they're 5 years behind the times.
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