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Old 08-15-2017, 08:02 PM   #259
Finger Cookin
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Join Date: Jun 2014

The art for Hi-Fi Fight Club looks really cool. It's a clean cartoony look like Giant Days, but a little more stylized. Here are some covers (spoiler tags for large images):


In looking up the covers I stumbled across the fact it is a 4 issue limited series, which I had forgotten. A small commitment.

Did I mention that the main character in Curse Words is named Wizord? And he has a (for now) koala sidekick named Margaret? And that his beard is magnificent?


The creative team is Charles Soule, Ryan Browne, with a lot of colorists helping out Ryan and Chris Crank on lettering. The writer and artist just finished a van tour in the US where they decked out a van in Curse Words graphics.


And here is a great variant cover, a photo of the two of them dressed as wizards fighting each other.


I'll try and be mindful of not discussing Invincible plot developments while you trade wait.

Last edited by Finger Cookin; 08-15-2017 at 08:07 PM.
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