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Old 07-30-2017, 01:53 PM   #892
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Originally Posted by Young_Guns View Post
He bought some property there as it has been documented. His kids want to enter the hockey programs in Boston, so why not? Of course I would prefer him here in Calgary, but it makes sense if he purchased a home there.
It pretty much comes down to two choices. If he has given up hope on a SC run then Boston makes sense. He built a house there and obviously plans to live there after his career is finished. If he wants to try one last run at the playoffs and a SC the Flames make way more sense, they are a legit contender now and he always said he wanted to win it here. Plus it isn't like there is not great hockey programs in Calgary his kids could participate in for this year. Seems like a no brainer to me. That being said despite the nostalgia of it I would rather we just stick to the current roster.
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