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Old 07-27-2017, 04:21 PM   #99
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Even beyond the accreditation, Locke said something that's kind of key

If you change his last name, he's a footnote.

His time as MP was marked by a brutal attendance record where he spent his time as an MP doing speeches for pay at schools instead of in the house of Commons. He wasn't active in any committees. He wasn't visible in question period except for calling an MP a I think it was "piece of %%%"

When he was the Liberal party leader he was invisible in question period because he was awful at it and Ralph Goodale pretty much stepped in and took the role as the party lead in the house of commons.

With a different last name prior to being party leader, the party isn't putting its full weight behind him to ensure that he was given the leadership role, not because he's a good leader, but because he's a legacy, and he's cute and charming, and he's the cool kid.

To give credit where credit was due, the Liberals ran a great election campaign, the weak spot was Trudeau who was underwhelming and running against a Prime Minister who had hit his best before label and was done.

I get the jist of the article, he's little Mr Sunshine on the world stage. But it was an article with very little depth and even less digging, in other words, they gave him a pass because he's cute, and not mean Mr Smith . . . Donald Trump

I mean come on Mr Environmental conscience went to Paris with Darth Destroy the Environment Harper, and sat around screaming that Canada was back.

How many election promises has he lied about.

How does Angela Merkel really feel about him after he tossed her under the bus when Trump walked away from the Paris Accords?

The kid is Teflon, he's got a great political operator in Butts and the old guard of Liberals behind him. Basically he doesn't need accreditation to go take long shirtless jogs along the River and roast marshmallows on film with his kids.
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