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Old 07-25-2017, 07:49 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Parallex View Post
If there is no floor then there is no midpoint. And eliminating the floor flies contrary to the leagues desire for parity. The floor must stay. Frankly, I think the league, owners, and players would reject that idea.
Fine, don't call it the midpoint then, call it the targeted average payroll (TAP). Same difference.

If they insist on having a floor, set it to 75% of the TAP and you'd still get roughly the same range as the current system, but keeps the top end closer to the target.

Using the current system, this year's cap is $75 million and the floor is $55.4 million (a difference of 19.6). That puts the midpoint at $65.2 million.

Using my TAP system, with a target of $65.2 million, the cap would be $68.46 million and the floor would be $48.9 million (a difference of 19.56).
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