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Old 07-23-2017, 01:57 AM   #597
Sr. Mints
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Jul 2010

I've been with Freedom for about six months now. But I'm bailing next week (tomorrow if I can be arsed to go to a shopping mall.) The $37 (x2) I pay is just not worth it.

1.) No data when I'm outside of Calgary. Now I knew that going in, but was surprised I didn't have data in Airdrie or Okotoks, and to a lesser extent Nanton, Strathmore, Banff, Canmore. I didn't think it would bother me, but for the dozen or-so times I've been out of town and not had internet, it's maddening.

2.) Spotty internet downtown, or in a mall. Or sometimes even a Costco. Why? is this a ####ing issue, Shaw?

3.) Constantly disconnected when I'm on the move. Forget surfing the web when you're on the C-train or passenger in a car. Even driving down 16th Ave. where you're going 20km/hr and there's a light every 50 feet: disconnected. Again, maddening.

I've never had a problem with cellular reception, but as my life revolves around the internet these days, Freedom is no good for me.
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