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Old 07-20-2017, 11:16 PM   #900
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Originally Posted by CliffFletcher View Post
What was misleading and incomplete about it?

You contend that the CBC is a centrist media outlet. Maybe Peterson is so far to the right that he's beyond the pale (though frankly, he isn't even all that right on most issues). So surely we can come up with some Canadian public intellectuals who are too far to the left for the CBC to lend any legitimacy to...


Yeah, I got nothing.
Sorry, but which leftist Canadian intellectuals do you see the CBC profiling on a regular basis? I guess you could argue that David Suzuki has been given a platform over the years but most of his CBC content hasn't been all that political compared with his off-site persona. I could also be wrong on that because I kind of tune out Suzuki.

I guess guys like Strombo have always skewed left but I'm not sure I would consider them part of the news side of CBC.

I'm actually not even sure what you're wanting the CBC to do with Peterson. Are you saying they should be producing a puff piece on him?

And you know exactly what I mean. The guy has been accused, rightly or wrongly, of being transphobic and inflaming anti-trans sentiment. When you leave that out of your description of him and just point to his YouTube views, it comes across as dishonest.
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