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Old 07-16-2017, 02:53 PM   #7451
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Central Alberta

Originally Posted by djsFlames View Post
It's the Oiler way to assume sunshine and rainbows and cup parades are on their horizon. They don't know anything else.

It's out of the realm of possibility in their minds that there is anything less waiting for them.

Even though their franchise player became uninspiringly average in the most important games, logic dictates it means nothing and he will still carry the team to the promised land. Surely.

You see last season was more than a one-off season. It was the turning of a corner, for good. The long awaited sign that the Oilers would soon pass the rest of the NHL in the both the micro and macro senses. Because you see, the Oilers are exempt from flash in the pan seasons. That only happens to other teams. It's law of the hockey gods. And their dark years are over for good, because...

Because McDavid. And it's destiny.

The dynasty awaits... are you ready?

(Literally the impression/message I get from every blog post, news column, blurb I see out of that city. And we wonder why they are delusional.)
In some ways you can't blame the fans up there. The media up there, whether it be Stauffer, Spector, Jones or Matheson, are so busy blowing sunshine up the Oilers and Eskimos asses and so frigging scared to write or say anything negative about an Edmonton sports team for fear of being blackballed amongst all the shills up there that the fans take it all as the gospel truth!! When was the last time an Edmonton sports reporter asked a "tough" question in a press conference?? Unfortunately the idiot fans up there are just easily brainwashed by the "shill" media in that city.
Food for thought: the Oilers last 3 years have been the worst statistical 3 year span in NHL history.
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