Thread: Cycling Thread
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Old 06-28-2017, 12:21 PM   #5196
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: sector 7G

Originally Posted by powderjunkie View Post
Was riding around the reservoir the other night - between Glenmore landing and the viewpoint - cruising at a gentle cadence into a stiff headwind, so not going terribly fast. I came across an older lady walking towards me with two small dogs - she seemed shocked that a bicycle was on a MUP and yelled "BELL" at me as I passed. One of her dogs was around the centre line, but it wasn't even the slightest concern/didn't make me alter my path at all.

Am I supposed to ring my bell around every gentle curve (not a blind corner)? Carrying on the ride there would have been 50 more curves just like it before getting out of the Weaslehead. Why is it my responsibility to make sure users coming in my direction stay in their own lane?
She's old and needs something to complain about.
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