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Old 06-26-2017, 05:03 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
They're anarchistic in apparent goal and fascistic in method - that is to say, thuggishly oppressive of those who don't agree with their dogma. For example:

Antifa are essentially a mob that beats the #### out of people who say things they don't like.
First of all, "thuggishly oppressive of those who don't agree with their dogma" is not a definition of fascism.

Second, examples of Antifa street patrols that go around looking for people to beat up, please?

As for the aforementioned goals, the problem is that like most movements in the past ten years they can't coherently express their position on anything. Whether it's the tea party or OWS, left or right, getting together a group to "do something" seems to have no philosophy or end game to it anymore. They simply want to hurt people who they perceive as evil and consider themselves to be morally justified in doing so. Hence, they are absolutely dangerous.
Generally speaking, if you don't get what some people are doing and why, it's probably because you're clueless about what they think and want, not because they have no idea what they're doing. In other words, it sounds to me like you're just projecting your ignorance on others instead of accepting that you actually just don't know much about any of the people you're talking about.

(I'm not saying their goals would make sense to you even if you knew them, but that's a different thing.)

And of course, after recoiling at comparisons to an ideologically dedicated pro-Israel poster you've now followed up by defending a blight on society. I can't say I'm totally surprised, but for ####'s sake... This is like Northcrunk or someone coming in here and defending Richard Spencer and company.
So, saying that I consider Antifa and anarchists less bad than fascists and that I think they're not really anything alike is now defending them? Okey dokey. God forbid that we should actually differentiate between different groups, instead of just lumping them all together because we don't like any of them.

For a person who makes such a fuss about getting the facts right, you once again get upset when somebody wants to point out factual mistakes.

Last edited by Itse; 06-26-2017 at 05:16 AM.
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