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Old 06-05-2017, 07:57 PM   #819
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by TheAlpineOracle View Post
I'm thinking I worded that poorly. I'm saying I don't feel being good at a timed competition like that always translates to actual top notch food in a restaurant setting. I actually really enjoy show, and usually seek out the participants restaurants when i'm in another city. None are bad per say, but only a few of them have been what I would consider real top quality. I'd put a place like Vero Bistro up against any of their restaurants. Anything i've had from Nicole here in Calgary, while good, seems to be at the lower end of the food i've tried from these chefs (just my opinion), and the fact that she can slay these competitions makes me think that the best chef doesn't win these tv competitions. The one who can make something prettiest, the fastest does.
Fair enough. She is truly doing what she wants to do though. Working with her sister in a low risk, single protein restaurant and running her own catering business. She doesn't answer to anyone. She was a opening sous chef under Micheal Noble at catch and opening Executive chef at Mercato and now Top Chef. She has the chops. Maybe she can avoid investors and open an Italian restaurant.

I for one commend her for doing what she wants and not having to answer to anyone.
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