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Old 06-01-2017, 08:54 AM   #320
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Originally Posted by username View Post
Or if there was only some obscure industry that could contribute money to help pay for the programs needed to address BC's social problems (drugs etc) that Rube is referring to.......
So you're happy and you'll go along with the pot industry which is legalized by the feds? But the pipelines which are federally mandated your province is going to argue against.

The drug problem and real estate issues, that's all something at a provincial level. Your government should be working on that instead of muddying the waters on something that they don't have control over.

If the BC government wants to basically start a trade war with Alberta, and that's what this is, then don't be surprised if Alberta finds a way to constrict the flow of goods across Alberta or makes your goods noncompetitive in Alberta.
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