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Old 06-01-2017, 08:36 AM   #316
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Originally Posted by Ducay View Post
This is a defining moment for Notley and Trudeau.

Notley has had some good words, but she'll need to back it up with additional pressure. Ditto for Trudeau.

If they somehow block this expansion, there'll be hell to pay. We might just start a civil war with the leeches out west
This is the opportunity of a life time for Notley in terms of even getting a sniff at staying in power.

If BC successfully blocks or delays this thing then its entirely over for Notley, the other areas of stupidity and incompetence don't matter.

If she can get an agreement from BC that doesn't involve a revenue rape of Alberta then she has something that she can go to the podium with and a wave of good will, her chances are better.

For Justin, if he sits back and lets BC go through the machinations of blocking this, and leaves it to the courts or the "people" he has a chance to gain back his left sitting environmentalist movement votes.

If he stomps on BC and comes out in what appears to be supporting the evil Alberta empire, he'll lose a ton of leftish siting votes and environmentalist votes and he could be looking at a minority government in the next election at best.

If BC blocks the pipeline of delays it look for a wave of absolute anger from Alberta and to an degree Sask towards BC.

Look for Alberta to devolve back to the "seat at the table talk" of the late 70's and early 80's.

I just don't see how we don't see two fold pressure to kill this project.

1) The BC government, the coalition of the Greens and the NDP have already basically fired the first shots in this. There's no doubt in my mind that they will file in court to at least stop this project until more (years worth) of consultations can happen.

2) If that's denied, we will see civil disobedience as protestors slow down or actively sabotage the construction.

Personally I expect to see a trade war between Alberta and BC. I also expect to see a lot of lawsuits as BC tries to stop this, and Alberta sues BC for breaches in constitutional law. I think we should sue for at least $500 billion dollars.
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