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Old 05-31-2017, 10:56 PM   #304
damn onions
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I don't think it gets enough appreciation for how screwed this country and specifically this province is with BC's populace acting like they are from some other dimension.

Even reading through the comments in this thread are a little disturbing as to how little concern there seems to be here. We have a province that is sitting around blocking energy projects and development and costing the country literally billions of dollars. They are the only access point to Asia to deliver the raw resources and material goods this country makes.

There are massive geopolitical changes happening, and Canada must be able to react. This country must pivot, and look to Asia- quickly- to open up trade and increase investment. Already, there has been a let down for Asian investment into the energy sector because our country can't get its' act together. The country, under basically a guise of confidence building and pandering to small interest groups and lobbyists, is letting these groups erode our nation's economy and ability to compete on the global stage. And everybody sits around and is cool with it because that's normally what Canadians do, ya know, not necessarily make "unpopular" decisions because it isn't what the "right" thing to do is.

BC electing in enough of the NDP and then them going and marrying up with the Greens to block stuff is an unmitigated disaster for Canada.

Troutman posted a graphic. I think he was trying to say that energy / resources is a small piece of the pie. Sorry, but that's not really true. Go take a gander at the TSX or even just have a look at the number of public companies in Canada today. The majority in one sector are in energy. It actually is a very huge and often underrated piece of the pie. When your biggest economic contributors are banks (which make money in energy, or off of the economy, and this is a resource based economy) or real estate (which make money off of basically a legalized and elaborate money laundering scheme for Asian investment, kidding, kinda)- you are in for a world of hurt. Talk about a huge, problematic, bubble for Canada right now and the Canadian middle class. There is a reason the dollar is getting decimated.

And then we have this province which holds a lot of power and sway, sitting there talking about getting their fair share and environmentalism and FN rights, and it's all BS. Let's just be honest. It's all ####ing BS. There are tankers of raw materials and goods sitting in Vancouver harbor right now, that are posing a huge environmental risk if they go down. There are other huge environmental risks this province has made. The FN bands are being paid by US special interest groups to leverage our government and delay projects so that US projects could beat us to the punch and they succeeded. What is happening today is a nightmare for Canada, and what this election in BC means for Canada has been criminally underestimated in terms of its' importance.

I don't give a rats ass about politics, or who's supporting who, or whatever the #### it all means from the various political angles. Just do what's right for Canada for the love of god. This election had real consequences for the first time in many elections across the country. For once, stop being so weak, Canada. BC people need a reality check like no other group- and I believe the only group that can make the statement are the feds. BC's jumped the shark completely, and there needs to be strong statements and heavy campaigning for the sake of the Canadian economy. This may sound chicken littleish, but good lord, working downtown in this city- this is a huge, huge, huge problem. And not many people are worried about it.


Last edited by Mr.Coffee; 05-31-2017 at 11:01 PM.
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