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Old 04-17-2017, 01:45 PM   #515
Maritime Q-Scout
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: God's Country (aka Cape Breton Island)

Originally Posted by chemgear View Post
Hmm, I've seen reports of that there were no flights with available seats that night.

Were you just looking if there was a physical flight or are you able to check historically if there are seats empty on old flights a week back? If there were in fact seats available, why didn't United get them on it instead of ripping people out of their seats on the earlier flight?

Haha meanwhile, they didn't even bother to take his luggage off after they dragged his beaten body off the plane. Left him and his wife had nothing when he had to go directly to hospital. They sent the luggage to his office to see his patients instead.
Originally Posted by Acey View Post
I used to have access to the United system and could have looked up their entire trip itineraries and loads/overbooking of every flight... really would have come in handy now. Without knowing or caring to read any further articles on this, I'm going to guess that the last flight maybe didn't have any seats open, and/or got into Louisville at such a time that it wouldn't provide adequate crew rest and would delay their sked for the next day.

I get that you're personally offended by this, but the fine print says a ticket is no guarantee of travel and prioritizing their own crew so that a dozen legs aren't delayed the next day is something every carrier does. The fact remains that the only thing United legally did wrong was try to bump post-board. I could explain a bit more about what may have gone into the decisions made but I have a feel you wouldn't care to hear it.
It could have been that there were no more Republic flights that day which there were not. But checking FlightAware there was the second flight that operated, departed and landed.

I would assume that was also sold out, as apparently the doctor said he would volunteer and then changed his mind when he was told he wouldn't arrive until the next day (could have assumed he'd take the later flight).

I'm not an expert, but I would assume that United could have re-booked those removed on the later flight with a guaranteed seat, and asked for volunteers on the later flight. It's United handling the seats, they purchased the seats from the regional carrier, the regional carrier gets paid regardless if the plane runs full, empty or who is on it.

United also could have kept offering more for the vouchers, or switched to cash.

Lots of alternatives that an idiot in Nova Scotia can come up with; why couldn't United?

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