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Old 04-06-2017, 08:26 AM   #601
Crash and Bang Winger
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Join Date: Jul 2013

Originally Posted by GordonBlue View Post
why? I guess I feel like you deserve the ticket for getting all mad and aggressive and intentionally cutting off a car, and maybe you were tailgating to begin with, leading to him braking on you.

guess we'll see how it goes for you in court.
This is the kind of blind police worship I just cannot comprehend. You are prepared to excuse the deliberate careless driving of a police officer in this scenario on the speculation of "maybe you were tailgating to begin with".

If he was tailgating, why pray-tell would the officer not enforce the law, conduct a traffic stop in an orderly and safe manner and issue a ticket for following too close along with some well advised education on why that is unsafe?

Instead, he slams on his brakes which is itself road-rage type careless driving and you find no fault in that? Astonishing.

Calgaryblood should file a complaint against the officer for endangering lives on the road (what if he was tailgating and not paying enough attention and slammed into the rear of the police car during the brilliant and totally illegal 'brake check' maneuver?) and then defend the ticket on the basis of entrapment and abuse of process.

The phrase "two wrongs don't make a right" applies and all, but he never claimed he was in the "right" and still people are prepared to criticize only one of the "wrongs" since one of them was done by a police officer. Why?!
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