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Old 04-01-2017, 10:59 AM   #1028
stone hands
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Mar 2013

Originally Posted by Nehkara View Post
This is just logic.

I listened to his interview on FAN 960 yesterday. He just said simply that if a deal cannot ever be reached for a new building then the logical conclusion is that the city does not want the Flames, which is true.

We have the oldest CFL stadium and the oldest NHL arena and NO field house.

It's time this city (and its Councillors) started to deal with reality. We need a new hockey arena, a new (not renovated) CFL stadium, and we really need to finally build a quality field house. Or we don't have sports teams anymore I guess... that's an option too.

The Flames organization is willing to do their part and does a massive amount for this city. To the best of my knowledge, no professional sports organization has ever just "built a building" without assistance.

It is time for the city to figure this out, start these projects, and (nice byproduct) get people back to work.
Gillette stadium

The patriots do pretty well for themselves too, I hear
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