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Old 03-30-2017, 11:28 AM   #175
#1 Goaltender
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I swear special teams is more of a mental battle of wills than it is systems, structure, personnel or anything else.

You could see as the game wore on and the Flames kept getting more and more frustrated at the lack of scoring, the Kings were getting more and more daring with their pressure on the PP. They were breaking up entries and intercepting passes everywhere. The kings went from collapsing the net to a full court press.

As far as the Flames' PP was concerned. Definitely the goat. Their entries are actually pretty solid, which is a far cry from the start of the season. But everyone was standing still, Gaudreau was trying to dispy doodle his way to feathering the perfect pass through 9 bodies on the ice. When the kings were collapsing the way they were, you just need to start unleashing bombs. Setup the one-timer, whatever. Just shoot the puck, and a bounce will inevitably go their way.

I'm not crazy about some of the personnel that is put out there, but I think its more of an execution problem than a personnel problem.
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