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Old 03-29-2017, 08:09 PM   #3136
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Sep 2013

Originally Posted by Teh_Bandwagoner View Post
I think Destiny 2 will be great! It took them a few times to get into the groove of things in D1, but the work they've done in KF and RoI have gotten my trust. Only thing left to see is be how they deal with PvP matchmaking this time around. Also I wonder if they'll stick to P2P connection for everything or move to dedicated servers for some/all content.

Also, I'm excited to down LL390 Crota tonight.
Raid was actually pretty fun. I like what they did with the bridge encounter, had a lot of fun.

Also, for the Crota challenge make sure you have at least 3 people that are comfortable using the sword. We went in with only 2 people that knew how to use the sword and it was long and painful. One guy dropped out and we got an experienced sword bearer and we did it first try.

Managed to get all the Adept weapons for the raid. Fun going into an arc burn strike and running the fang of ir yut, and Necro. Good times
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