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Old 03-29-2017, 09:26 AM   #292
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Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Originally Posted by HockeyIlliterate View Post
She'd still lose.

She's a poor candidate, and her speech last night reminded many of why they don't like her.

Now, whether Trump would still win is an open question.

I personally think that Johnson would end up getting a few more votes than he previously did, perhaps winning a state or two, and the election would be thrown into the House.
Indeed, Johnson would likely win more votes than he previously did, from Libertarian/Republican types.

I feel like some of the more democratic leaning independents who did vote Johnson, aiding Trump in gaining victory, might flip their votes to Clinton, negating his added votes from the other side, and giving Clinton the win. A whole lot of those Johnson voters ticked his name on their ballot because he's in favor of legalizing marijuana. Trump puts in an AG who wants to crack down on marijuana laws. Knowing that giving Trump a victory gives a guy like Sessions the power to grab at their weed access could make them vote for Clinton.

Again, Trump won by the narrowest margin over 4 states in a perfect crapstorm of political upheaval. It would be hard to make that happen again, seeing what's transpired since Inauguration Day. It's not impossible, obviously, this last year has shown the power of Angry Lower Middle Class White People (because don't forget, Clinton won handily among people making less than 30k/year, and still won even those making up to 50k), but the mess that allowed Trump the victory would be hard to replicate.
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