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Old 03-21-2017, 09:30 PM   #6515
Texas Flames Fan
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Join Date: Mar 2017

Originally Posted by New Era View Post
You're right, healthcare costs are going up in every state. What an incredibly shocking development you've managed to point out. Now, go back and take a look at those links that I responded to you with, and read them. The ACA actually put a significant drag on rising healthcare costs, proof provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Costs were going through the roof before the ACA. That spike is fully on insurance companies. And the major spike in Texas is a result of the State of Texas mismanaging their system.

Now, pal, if you want to point a finger of blame about the ACA, how about you point it at the Republicans who made the bill much more complex than it had to be? They were the ones who negotiated it and made it worse. They were the ones who put the language in the law that restricted insurance to each state. When are you going to acknowledge that the problems are a result of both parties coming up with a bad compromise because the Republicans were willing to obstruct the process?

If you want to point a finger at someone for the crap state of healthcare point it right at those same Republicans who refuse to acknowledge that the market is out of control and only proper regulation will bring it back into line. When you make it beneficial to some to keep people sick, and corporations can profiteer from people being sick, you can bet your ass that the "market" is going to do everything in their power to do just that. A proper functioning "healthcare system" focuses on making people well, not making money off the misfortune of those battling illness.
49% increase in one year is shocking. If you want to blame the republicans for Obamacare go for it. I don't care who you blame. The point is what we have now doesn't work and needs to be repealed and replaced. Even you can admit that right?
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