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Old 03-20-2017, 03:12 PM   #6272
Flash Walken
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Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
Why? That stuff isn't at all helpful. Might as well just go on CNN and say it. In contrast, King was getting stuff on the record that was useful clarification on the testimony even though he knew they couldn't add input. Her stuff was basically just granstanding.

Anyway, Comey is coming across quite well here to my eyes.
A lot of the clarification that panel will receive will be disclosed in private hearings that are classified.

There really wasn't much at all that was going to come out today. Many of the reporters I am following and columns I am reading suggest it's actually quite surprising the amount of info that's come out this hearing.

I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention to what she was saying, but setting up the context on the record is important if more information comes out in classified hearings, they can go back to the record from the public hearing and cross reference answers, or non-answers, to the statements/questions she made/asked.

She may have been weak but wasn't nearly as weak as other members in attendance.
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