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Old 03-08-2017, 05:08 PM   #1002
One of the Nine
Join Date: Dec 2004

Originally Posted by Galakanokis View Post
The only way I see the death penalty working is that it puts a definitive end to the story. No more news, no more lawyer visits, no more human rights complaints etc. It's done. I read a story about the surviving family's of Clifford Olson's victims and the extra pain and suffering they went through just knowing he was alive. The father of one victim comment that the night Olson died was the first night in 20/30 years (don't know my time lines) that he slept through the night.

I know I would feel much better knowing that the person that took my son's life, the last person to see him, terrified, crying is gone. Sitting there, wondering if he is deriving any sort of enjoyment from his actions? Does he relish the look on their faces just before? One could go crazy thinking about it. At some point complete closure could only come about with death.

I am not upset about jailhouse beatings, heck have more of them. If he is indeed in with his own kind throw a few shanks and broom handles down with them and let them have at it. I won't lose any sleep over it.
You have a point. A very good one.
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