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Old 02-25-2017, 06:24 PM   #691
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Nov 2009

^^^^ yep, we went to longview steakhouse in leui of a thanksgiving dinner back in october and it was awesome. Great service as well. I mentioned before that it looks like they have some amazing non steak entrees, but just couldnt bring myself to get anything but a steak on the first visit. Maybe the second or third visit Ill try something else. Sort of have it in my mind to go now at least once a year.

Also, wife and I recently went to Bow Valley Ranche for our first night out since our daughter was born. Was fantastic. I know some people have suggested it has gone downhill since new ownership took over, but I thought it was far superior to our Lakehouse experience- which I understand is the former Ranche owners? Anyway, everyone's opinion of a restaurant will be based on their individual experience, but we had a great evening. One of the pricier bills Ive had in my Calgary experiences, but well worth it.

And an interesting thing to add- we went through all kinds of effort to get a sitter for our daughter so we could enjoy a night out, and ironically enough, the couple right next to us brought their newborn along. Their baby was fine and we didnt hear a peep, but I would just never risk the chance that the baby has a fit and ruins our night and the other patrons.. Anyway...
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