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Old 02-10-2017, 10:21 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by undercoverbrother View Post
I will say that it appears that respect across the board is gone.

I find that refs are unwilling to even engage in a dialogue with a coach, and by dialogue I don't mean yelling, I don't mean the coaching standing on the bench and talking down to the ref.

I mean a discussion about the game or call. To my mind the ref's main job in minor hockey that is of player safety. I don't care if they miss an off side call, but if you have players being hit into the boards or icing being waived off because "they were in a foot race" there needs to be a discussion on why. These types of missed calls result in injuries or retaliations which an cause injuries.
This is a great post and you got me thinking. When I took my safe contact certification I think it would have been prudent for officials to have to take the course alongside coaches.

First of all, to get officials talking to coaches away from the game, you know the whole common ground thing. Second of all, so officials would know what safe contact looks like and how coaches are supposed to teach it.

One of the biggest changes in football, is that as a coach if you don't have a safe contact certification you cannot coach. I would like to see how that's enforced. also we're supposed to spend 15 minutes a week teaching it during practice. So it should be apparent to a referee during a game if a coaching staff is teaching it or not and make sure that the league looks into that team.
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