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Old 01-22-2017, 11:46 PM   #19
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Kelowna, BC

thanks guys

i know my parent's will is current and although i don't know the details of their will, i know everything will basically transfer over to my mom.

my dad asked if there were any of his things that i wanted (which hit home hard). we don't really 'need' anything so it's just more sentimental stuff. there are a few small things that would be nice and i'm sure more things will surface once we go thru his stuff. i know my dad wants me to have his tools, i just don't know if i should ask if i should start taking them over to my place yet? seems kinda cold and selfish.

i know his pickup truck is going to a family friend who could really use it and tomorrow he's going to talk to the insurance company about transferring ownership.

as for getting things in order - my folks were at the bank of saturday getting things all squared away - so that's good.
financially my mom will be fine
i'm not sure yet what has been arranged funeral-wise. i know they've started the process though.

i think the good thing in all this is that my dad is totally at peace with the coming weeks. of course he doesn't want to leave my mom and the rest of his family this soon, but his calmness i think is helping my mom out a lot
"...and there goes Finger up the middle on Luongo!" - Jim Hughson, Av's vs. 'Nucks
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