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Old 01-19-2017, 11:02 AM   #255
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Join Date: Jun 2002

See what I liked about Deep Space 9 was that it was Trek in name only.

While OST, and TNG and even to an extent Voyager were an extension of the Roddenberry vision of this utopian future where realistically man had done away with famine and war and to an extent corruption. They flew around in these super comfortable space ships with their families in tow. Conflicts were short and were dealt with non violently for the most part.

After a while you get sick of it, its boring and it ignores human nature as you know it.

With DS9, they re-introduced money and greed into humanity, they put them in unwinnable situations where high ideals and Federation pillars were the wrong choice (In the pale Moonlight), they put the whole human race in jeopardy far better then they did with the Borg, and it wasn't mankinds finest hour, Military coup, dirty tactics, attacks that literally sacrificed people and planets. Star Fleet instead of standing firm like in the other series, retreated and were beaten and bloody.

It made DS9 so much more 3 dimensional and you never really felt sure of the eventual outcome.

It got tiring when I watched TNG and Voyager because most of it was actually a lot of high lecturing by the Captains about how perfect the federation was.

In DS9 you could feel that the Federation was rotting and not as strong as they thought it was.
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