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Old 12-17-2016, 08:21 AM   #34
Franchise Player
Join Date: Dec 2013

Originally Posted by Amethyst View Post
You have clearly never taught a classroom of kids, who thought it was night time while they were at school. We once had a storm that darkened the skies at lunch time and the panic that went on -

I guess it depends on the hours of your school, but at ours, the kids are currently arriving as it is light and leaving as it is light. If we stay on daylight savings times, they arrive in pitch dark and that worries me about a lot of young children getting off school buses, with parents driving around. I don't like the idea of so many young kids and vehicles moving around like that in the dark.

Yes, I would like to have more daylight when I get home for me, personally, because I could enjoy a nicer walk with my dogs, but there are trade-offs to consider. No system is going to be perfect.
The city could just put up more lights around schools/playground zones so that the areas are better illuminated.
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