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Old 11-24-2016, 09:16 AM   #1091
One of the Nine
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Space Sector 2814

I've played it a few more times since that post and I think the replayability is there if you fail a certain part of the mission. I have had different endings depending on how well we did, how many survived, maybe a NPC that lived or died etc.. so that is pretty cool. But the major events remain the same. It has however taken me a few tries to beat some of the harder ones, so I like that. There is apparently a new scenario coming to the app sometime soon for 5 bucks so I think that is a pretty fair deal. I agree though they could have included at least one or two more in the big box. But it is nice that they can release them periodically direct to consumer without having to make a content purchase (which jacks the price up considerably).

But speaking of content, I noticed the first expansion has 2 new scenarios as well, and they dropped the price on it by 10 bucks after a lot of people complained on the forums.

I like this game because it can sit on the shelf for a month and then pick it up to play with new people/new investigators and even the same scenario can feel very different. This is definitely not a game you would buy to power game through in a few weeks though.. but it is still incredibly well done. We just beat the Innsmouth mission the other day after three tries (granted we were quite drunk the first two times) and man it was intense, right down to the wire. Highly recommend this game for anyone looking for a table top co-op.
"In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might / Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"
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