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Old 11-10-2016, 04:49 PM   #1414
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Jun 2006

I picked it up again a couple weeks ago and started a character from scratch.

The leveling has been quick. I'm already 61 and haven't been going hard-at-it by any means. Don't see a lot of other players around though. Even in the old main hubs on the HUD it says there's only a handful of people in the zone and they're usually just standing AFK. Not sure if there's a new main hub or something where everybody hangs out. Or maybe just 99% of people play the Empire and I'm the lonely fool on the Republic side.

Tried queueing up to try some starfighter battles to see what that's like but nothing ever popped.

Strongholds - wtf. Kinda just glanced at that because it gave me a Strongholds quest but looked pretty overwhelming so I left it alone to work on storyline quests.

I don't get the Cartel thing where you have to pay to unlock things for your character, then pay additional amounts to unlock them for your Legacy. Makes me laugh that I have a special pet tauntaun for being a player when the Legacy system went live, but since I used it on a character back then it says I can't use it on any more... You'd think a Legacy pet would be usable by my Legacy but I guess not?
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