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Old 11-05-2016, 04:09 PM   #4342
Franchise Player
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by Mazrim View Post
Wouldn't they be more concerned with getting on the ground ASAP rather than the comforts of a gate versus stairs?
Depends. I'd say no if they're stable and not deteriorating. Trying to walk 20 people on the verge of passing out down from the height of a 380 door is potentially worse than rolling people down a jetway who are slightly further along on the course of passing out. Especially if there's any mobility issues involved.

I've dealt with this exact dilemma at YEG of a medical coming in and WestJet not having a gate for them, then trying to assess the feasibility of getting an 80 year old down airstairs. EMS and WestJet ops in communication with the flight crew made the call, and they ended up waiting 10 minutes for Air Canada to take their sweet time pushing off a gate. That was right after the McMurray fire and it was unusually busy here with relief flights and what not.

Last edited by Acey; 11-05-2016 at 04:16 PM.
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