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Old 09-26-2016, 01:05 PM   #57
CaptainCrunch's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002

So me and Mrs Champ decide to go to Edmonton to watch the Flames play the Oilers in the new building. we get there and some grinning idiot Oiler lackey see's us staring at our tickets and comes over to help us out.

so anyways he looks at the tickets, and asks me if he can check out Mrs Champs seat?

I say what?

He repeats himself, he wants to check out Mrs Champ's seat.

Well I snap I lose it, I pummel the little geek with some dusty Stanley cup replica from the 80's and then I grab the head off of the mascot, some stupid looking Lynx and jam it down on his head and start punching out his stupid furry face.

Then the loser starts to crawl away and I grab some Oiler's jersey off of the ice where it was sitting and start choking the little weasel with it until his face turns Oiler blue and he's hammering the floor with his hands in a symbol of surrender.

As the dork's crawling away, I shout after him How's that checking out Mrs Champs seat?

Ever since then I've been the champ.
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
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