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Old 08-24-2016, 11:54 AM   #144
evil of fart
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Join Date: Sep 2009

Originally Posted by Gobsgraham View Post
Have you towed with the new truck yet? I have two camping buddies that recently upgraded their older F-150's to 2016's with the aluminum body and are both having major issues with sway now.

I have always been a Chevy guy but was seriously considering making the jump to Ford until I heard this. Let me know your thoughts when you pull with it.
Towed my trailer with my 2016 F-150 on the weekend. I purposely didn't use my weight distribution hitch just to see how it would be. It was 100% flawless with no swaying or anything; however, my trailer is only 4000 pounds and it's a tent trailer so not a lot of wind resistance. If anybody is wondering why my tent trailer is so heavy it's because it has a big slide out and is 12' long, which is very big in tent trailer land.

I did read a lot on the F-150 forums about people complaining about the back end being light when towing heavier trailers, so the people saying that in this thread aren't alone. I can't imagine a weight distribution hitch not solving the problem, but I'm not an expert.
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