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Old 06-23-2016, 10:38 PM   #143
Farm Team Player
Join Date: Mar 2009

What I want more than anything for matchmaking is the equivalent of an adult beer league.

I'm not good at first-person shooters, so I end up playing support and tanks. I honestly don't have time to sink into dialling in my accuracy and reflexes, so I expect my MMR will remain quite low forever. I'm on PS4 and about 70% of the time, my team is a bunch lone wolves who won't talk or coordinate. I get hung out to dry as tank or support, and we usually get rolled.

But I love the team play in this game, and I can snatch a few moments to research strategy around the rest of my adult live. And that 30% of the time when I do get on a good team is magic. Dashing around keeping the squad alive as Mercy, marching the payload home as Reinhardt, or dropping the shield as Lucio just as the other team is about to swarm us -- so good!

Like a beer league, I want to play with casuals who know the game but can't necessarily skate as hard as they used to. If I could find a server filled with casuals who are mature enough to work out a plan with strangers, this game would be perfect for me.

I kind of hope low-level competitive play will be like that, but I suspect I'll get steamrolled even there.
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