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Old 06-05-2016, 07:10 PM   #20
Celebrated Square Root Day
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Originally Posted by DownInFlames View Post
I'm not going to #### on the lineup, but I do think it's interesting that they're all contemporary acts. No Flaming Lips or Weezer for the older crowd. I wonder how that will affect sales.
X929 went to soft alternative/coffee shop lullaby route a few years ago, many had noticed and stopped listening. Then that Peak radio station came along and basically played exactly what X929 used to play and X jumped back to harder rock alternative to compete for the rock crowd.

I noticed as soon as Peak switched to country X929 reverted right back to soft, boring alternative. Unfortunately on top of that they're also playing all the smaller acts coming to Xfest to promote them and sell tickets.

I turned them on this afternoon, heard a soft song with a weak EDM feel to it that sounded like it had no place on their station and thought "I'll shazam this and 100% it will be a minor act at Xfest", and sure enough it was. Darcey's or whatever.
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