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Old 04-29-2016, 09:43 AM   #28
Franchise Player
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Originally Posted by Cecil Terwilliger View Post
Quite busy yesterday for a Thursday.

Very disappointed to find out that the deluxe pass is a total ripoff and a joke. Apparently they oversell them and under stock the "free" swag you have to go claim from the expo store. Both stores had huge hour or two hour long line ups and it looks like they closed with still a ton of people in line. I guess I was the only one who didn't know this. Now I have to show up super early and line up, so that I can use my early entry to get in and go line up at the store and hope there is anything left. Ugh.
Are the freebies something you actually want? Or just want cause they are free? For me, I'd want the pass to get in an hour early each day with almost no waiting lineup to do so (Show up at 12:10, and anyone early entry folks should either be already in or almost gone), as that'd be worth the extra $30. The...freebies aren't usually awesome, either.
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