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Old 09-25-2006, 01:03 PM   #7
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Section 222

My gear's not allowed in the house.

I empty my bag after every game and hang the stuff up in the garage. If it's really bad I spray it down with that Anti-bacterial febreeze. Then I just make sure to wash the washables right away so it doesn't get the mildew stink going on it.

Skates you can replace the inserts in every few months and it helps a little bit. If you can wash your hockey bag too that helps as well.

But hockey gear stays pretty nasty year long. Even that crap they sell at the pro-hockey shops around town for like $17 bucks a bottle only works for a little while.

There is a place in town that cleans gear somehow but I don't see the point in that as you're just going to funk it up a few days later anyway.
Go Flames Go!!
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