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Old 03-03-2016, 02:58 PM   #243
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Originally Posted by MarkGio View Post
I would much rather know if Ortio is gonna lose to a crappy team like Buffalo than if Hiller will lose. Hiller I can understand cause he sucks. If Ortio loses than that's telling too, which helps the Flames make a more informed decision in the off season.

If Ortio loses against a good team like Pittsburgh, well that's understandable because they're a far better team, likewise if Hiller lost. So all things considered it makes sense to play Ortio tonight to see if he can win and then play Hiller or Backstrom against Pittsburgh because it's likely all 3 would lose
What if Ortio beats Pittsburgh? Isn't that more useful information than him beating Buffalo?

(in other words, all your hypothetical gymnastics can just as easily roll the other way)
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