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Old 02-03-2016, 04:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by gottabekd View Post
So I never heard of this thing before today, but caught the last three quarters. Agree that Cuba is decent, but Schwimmer and Travolta bring a bit of cheese factor. I'll give the writers a pass on some of the dialogue because I realize there is a lot to get through in six episodes, so they have to speed up the exposition. I wanted to turn it off, but it kept my attention enough to bring me back every commercial break, so I might watch it next week if I remember.

I was a little young when all of this went down in the 90s, so I really don't know much about the case other than the occasional pop culture references. I bet they went though a lot of trouble replicating memorable shots and events from the case, but it will all be lost on me.
Maybe I'm typcasting Schwimmer, but I can't imagine him doing any type of dramatic role. I died laughing when I saw in him Band of Brothers. Sure, he did a good job of portraying somebody who couldn't do his role and inspire those under his command, but I just couldn't imagine the character making it so far in the military.

Schwimmer knows how to be a doofus. He is only meant for comedic roles.
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