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Old 01-04-2016, 07:55 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Ducay View Post
Can someone ELI5 as to why building on any of the empty Stampede parking lots just north or south, or west of the Dome (like Bunk's drawing), isn't CSE's first plan? Is it the Stampede corp stopping it? City? Private landowners?

Always seemed like a no brainer to just take over some of the existing lot space and then return the Dome's footprint to parking to offset that lost.
It would be on Stampede Park property and the Flames are apparently sick of having to deal with the Stampede Board.

I had assumed that the issue was lost parking revenue because the Stampede runs the parking lots around the Dome and collects all of the revenue from it, and the Flames were losing out on quite a lot of money. However, the CalgaryNext proposal includes very little on-site parking, so that must not be a big concern for them.
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