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Old 01-04-2016, 01:35 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Locke View Post
I coached soccer so it was a bit different, but do those coaches have any training whatsoever? How can they get away with telling kids to hit players in the head or just 'play through the pain?'

Is there no oversight?
At the end of the first season, they had a wrap up show that really is a must watch for any parents that have kids playing competitive sports. If you skip the rest of the show and watch that its well worth it.

Two of the coaches absolutely got raked over the coals as did the president of TYFA.

They talked about certification of coaches, but didn't go into details, but the league was just introducing heads up tackling training.

There was little over sight of the coaches, in fact the two suspensions to the head coach of the Broncos and the Head Coach of the Colts came directly from the shows release, so something positive happened there.

I would argue that the certification is harder elsewhere, the certification for football coaches isn't easier and is getting harder all the time now as they've made it mandatory for coaches to have safe contact training by 2017 but head coaches and coordinators have to have it this year.

It was funny, that the Outlaws who won the State Championship in season 1 with the 8 year olds had three coaches, they decided to bring in position coaches in year 2 and all hell broke loose on the sidelines.

A big part of season 2 and to an extent season one was the conduct of the parents. We saw a brawl nearly break out between the Outlaw coaches and a parent of a Colt. In season 2 there have already been two near incidences with fired up parents.

I mean it was funny to watch the amount of hitting that was happening in the practices, I know now that for the most part during practices we're not tackling to the ground, but we make sure to teach hitting technique.

But things like the Pit and King of the Hill which used to be football standards are pretty much dead now.
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