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Old 12-10-2015, 05:20 PM   #72
Cleveland Steam Whistle
Franchise Player
Join Date: Oct 2011

Originally Posted by FBI View Post
With how "pathetic" Ferland has played he still has more points than Raymond and Bollig.. Ferland adds a lot of intangibles, Raymond and Bollig add a lot of uh... space occupying
The point debate is useless when we are talking 2 or 3 points over 15 and 19 games respectively (Raymond and Ferland), that basically the same point per game ratio and isn't even worth talking about.

While I'm much bigger Ferland fan, and have high hopes for him, not sure I'm there that he's adding any intangibles at this point for the club, which is what we need from him even more so than points. He has his moments, but so do Raymond and Bollig if we are being honest. Ferland added intangibles last year during the playoffs, can you honestly say he's doing that this year? I don't think he is. I don't expect playoff Ferland all year long, that's not sustainable, but Ferland has not been the difference maker for this club on the intangibles side yet this year that I'd hoped he'd be.
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