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Old 11-09-2015, 03:30 PM   #346
Derek Sutton
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Sunnyvale

Originally Posted by Northendzone View Post
Thought I add yet another update on my son's date 93454.55

Today was son started the day with the aa team working the gate, 15 minutes into the game it is 3-0 and I notice my son is warming up. Two minutes later it is 4-0 and my son is on his way in. He got off to a good start, but they scored the 5th goal before the period ended. He played steadily the rest of the way. His team pushed back and got three to close the gap; however, the other team scored two more and they were good goals.

At the end of the day my son played about 103 minutes over the course of almost two games and gave up 6 goals. It is a small sample, but his stats line will likely be better than their regular goalies. His time with the aa team is coming to an end for now, but, with his play, I would assume that if he is called up again, the coaches will be open to giving him more opportunities.

As an aside, he played for our community team two hours later and turned in a solid game as we won 5-1.

He had a good hockey day.....
Will be checking out the AAA Northstars tonight as they are playing down here in Lethbridge for the first time this year, I'm really only familiar with one D man from the team. This is a make up game but the Northstars will be the home team due to lack of ice in and around Calgary.
The only thing better then a glass of beer is tea with Ms McGill
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