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Old 11-03-2015, 04:17 PM   #71
Crash and Bang Winger
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Originally Posted by Enoch Root View Post
Backlund is definitely an argument against possession stats right now.

He is playing no where near as well as he was last season - it isn't close.

Yet his possession numbers continue to suggest he is getting the job done.

One player. Anecdotal. But a complete fail for possession numbers.

And I agree with you about his time running out - unless he can raise his level of play, his time in the NHL is numbered.
That's why you have to look at other numbers in addition to "possession numbers" which I'm assuming you mean your corsi and fenwick numbers.

He's shooting at 4.3% right now, way below league average. He's shooting at the net. He's getting his chances. Sooner or later those shots are going to start going in.

Doesn't mean a complete fail for possession numbers. Just that you can't look at any stat in isolation.
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