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Old 10-28-2015, 04:14 PM   #149
Scoring Winger
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Originally Posted by Cali Panthers Fan View Post
I think some suffer from short term memory loss.

So many people were ready to move on from Cammalleri for so many reasons. We wanted to get younger, we wanted to rebuild, we could only afford to have so many small players on our roster, we wanted to get bigger, we wanted to shed salary...on and on and on.

Now we hit a losing skid and all I see are posts wistfully remembering Iginla and Cammalleri and wanting them back on the team. Can't have it both ways folks. You wanted the rebuild, you got it. This streak is part of it. The other part is making the 2nd round of the playoffs last year. You know which two players weren't anywhere near the 2nd round of the playoffs last year? Iginla and Cammalleri.

So Cammy is on a bit of a hot streak, which he has always had a knack for. Big deal. Doesn't make me want him back on the team any time soon. It was the right decision to let him go then, and it hasn't really changed.

Don't disagree with you, just a perspective, but a lot of the things you say that we wanted havent happened, have we gotten bigger? Maybe but not by much, have we shed salary? Some but we're a cap team at this point. And we really only have 1 rookie in the lineup this year. So while I agree this is part of the rebuild I can see why some are might feel like this is same old song and dance with possible worse results.
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