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Old 08-21-2015, 01:51 PM   #186
Franchise Player
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Sylvan Lake

Originally Posted by Baron von Kriterium View Post
How long ago did you release? There are now Med A and Med Techs - techs being the Journeymen. There was even talk a few years ago for some LPN equivalency; I do not know where that ended up. I think BC and Que offer PCP(?) equivalency to Med Techs but I don't know for sure.

Suffice it to say, I believe that the military would prefer this to work the other way around. They would rather recruit the civilian who is already qualified and then just train them to live and work in a military environment.

The challenge our medical folks face is that they do not get much practice so to speak. They do not see the emergencies and the trauma unless on an operation. Sure, there are training accidents here and there they have to contend with, but they need the exposure to the emergencies to keep their skills up.

I am certain that the military doctors and nurses in Edmonton spend a lot of time in the civilian ER departments for the experience.

And it works both ways. The civ surgeon who fixed my hernia spent time in the trauma hospital in Afghanistan because where else would he gain that type of experience?
I got out around 20 yrs ago.
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