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Old 08-21-2015, 09:14 AM   #164
#1 Goaltender
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Originally Posted by undercoverbrother View Post
I say this in all seriousness.

Get a hobby, or activity. It can be a family or just you activity. Join a beer league, ski, run, bike, swim. Mine is rugby, I love it. I have played for 25 yrs. It allows me, for those few hours, to be 22 again & not 43.

That is not to say I don't love how my life is now, but I think people need a release. They need to have something that is "theirs".
Yeah, I agree with this. I have good and bad days at work (a lot more bad days lately unfortunately), but over the last year and a bit I've taken up a more regimented exercise regime with some physical goals I'm working towards. I'm a scientist by training, so the experimentation and tracking of results keeps me interested and is pretty fulfilling. I look forward to it no matter how crappy the day was. Similarly, doing little (or big) reno jobs in my house is so freaking gratifying compared to my actual work. Plumbing in a sink or something practically puts me in a zen-like state.
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