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Old 08-09-2015, 09:28 PM   #208
Armchair Quarterback
Powerplay Quarterback
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Originally Posted by CroFlames View Post
The other day during a game (can't exactly remember who), ESPN had little segments between quarters explaining differences between CFL & NFL rules. It was pretty cool.

And they weren't like snarky ass comments you hear a lot of times from CFL haters, it was a top notch analysis. Almost praising the CFL for only have 3 downs and making it harder.
Sounds interesting, I always wonder what Americans think about the CFL and what kind of following the league has in the south. I'm sure some of the fans in the States are older and remember the days when we had CFL franchises in a bunch of American cities.

I think the rule differences might appeal to Americans. They might also appreciate that the players in the CFL tend to screw up more (fumble, turn the ball over, etc.) and that makes for more interesting games than in the NFL where they've got everything down to a science.
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